Cycle Safety with Bigfoot Adventures!
What do you need to do to check the safety of your bike?
- check breaks if it works.
- check red reflecter on the back of your bike.
- check bolts are tight.
- check if wheels are pumped and work.
- check you have the right gear.
What do you need to wear while riding your bike?
- high-vis
- helmet
- shoes
- bright t-shrit
- check shoe liecse are tucked in your shoes.
What do you need to do, by law, when riding a bike?
- wear your helmet
- twos are in shoes
- check chains work.
Helmet safety: What do you need to look for?
- helmet
- check if is right
- check if it fits your head
- check if is not broken
- check if it is the right size for your head
List all the parts of the bike:
Watch these clips about bike safety: