Monday, 24 November 2014

Athletics Day

On athletics day we had heaps of fun.
We were running , dance and singing are chanting to see who will win  and we were eating to.  
I was encouraging heaps of people to keep on going and never stop on the 400 metre sprint race.
I was the biggest person and I always  came 4th in every race except the 400 metre sprint race.
I was the only big  and buff person that made it to the semi finals and finals and it made me feel proud.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Snapchat Poster

Use Social Media Safely

Use Social Media Safely.
WALT Identify ways to use social media safely.

Success Criteria:
-Ican identify ways to use social media safely
-I can suggest 3 tips to stay safe on facebook/social media.

-Communicate with friends/family
-Talk/chat privately
-Keep in contact
-See what people are doing.
-Message you if they need to urgently.
-Share information quickly to a lot of people.

-Friends and family can see  everything you do.
-Nothing is private while you are talking to someone.
-Cyber bullying-commenting mean things on your page.
-Easy to bully or be bullied.
-Facebook always changes their privacy settings.
-People have  access to your private information.

Keeping Safe
Make sure you know the people you are facebook friends with.
Be careful what statuses post.-Post positive status.
-Never post when your angry.
-Regularly check your privacy settings.

-Don’t click ‘like’ for negative or bullying post.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Evolving Technology

WALA how technology's has evolved to make  our lives easier.