A man named brendon has been staying in his car homeless because he got convicted for failing to pay his rent. He put up posters that asked if he can stay on their driveway and use their shower, toilet and kitchen pls, so that he has somewhere to do his business in and without disturbing anyone that is in their house.
But Brendon didn't get to stay on anyones driveway because people thought that he might be creepy or that he is a thief, until he made a website that went global telling people that it is way safar to stay on someone's driveway then staying somewhere rough in a public place.
After saying his speech heaps of people felt sorry for judging him of how he looked and the state he was is in, then a researcher from Wellington searched up how many people sleep in their car it came up with 10% of homeless people stay in their cars and the others stay on the street.
If I was in this being the person that brendon was begging to I would give him the stuff he needs so that he doesn't ask people if they could be kind and be caring to let him sleep on their driveway.
This task was about summarizing what the article meant to us and writing it down.
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